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Taking Chances

Every day is a new day to take a chance, a leap of faith. We wake up feeling a handful of emotions. Perhaps tired from the day before or exhausted with mental battles we can’t seem to shake off. 

Perhaps energetic and joyful to take on the day. 

There could be a handful of things we may be feeling, but again, a new day is presented which means a new day for endless opportunities. It may not always seem this way because everyone’s life circumstance is vastly different, however shifting perspective to challenge oneself in making a positive change daily could be a start. I think many people would agree that making an impact in the world somehow is on everyone’s deeper internal agenda. 

What if this was making an impact to focus on oneself and then in doing so many doors of possibility arise? This is no fairytale I am talking about but a real possible outcome for anyone who puts forth the effort in making a change, in taking chances daily to be better. 

Here’s what I’ll leave you with.

Let’s just say every day I worked on myself by at least 1 percent. If you multiply that by a year, I will be 365 percent better than when I started, and this could mean so many different things. I encourage everyone to take a chance on themselves to work on being 1 percent better every day and there is no fine print list that comes with this. 

Working on yourself can look and feel however you want it to. However, you do have to start, and you do have to take this chance on yourself. 

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