In 2018, that was the number of Black Women who earned doctorates the year I walked across the stage and became part of 1%.
In doing the research with the National Science Foundation (NSF), it was reported that 55,000 US Americans earned a doctorate in 2018…and 2,456 were Black people but only 1,745 were Black Women. Of the reported 2% of the US population with doctorates, we are a mere 3% of the 2%! Get that, we are only 3% of the 2%!
So, when I state that my name is DR. LaNail R. Plummer and I will be called DR. Plummer…it’s less to do with pride and ego and more to do with representation, reminders of academic survival and resilience, and the establishment (or reinforcers) of possibilities.
So, when I say my next tattoo will be the number ‘1745’...I mean it!
While I teach at a prestigious university, I yearn to educate more Black people…more Black Women…more Black Women that are in the LGBTQ community because I know that my presence and title means more to them than to any insurance company, client, or friend. It means that…it’s been done…it can be done…and you can be the one to do it.
See, this isn’t a long blog…not this time. But when I sat down to write it, I knew that I needed to say:
You may be rare…you may not always and consistently see your dream…you may have to odds stacked against you…but you can do this. You have what you need to dream…and you will manifest the tools, resources, and strategies to reach your goal. You are designed for this…and ready for this.
So, whatever your “this” is…go after it and don’t stop until you can say…I did it…because you will DO IT!
And shout out to the 3% of the 2%. I see you sis. I’m with you sis. I believe in you sis! Let’s do the work that God created for us! Let’s make magic.