When you think of pain, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I would
assume that everyone views pain differently based on their own personal
experience. However, that’s where it gets tricky. Since pain is something that isn’t
always seen, assumptions have no business entering the chat. Pain from an injury, pain from a loss, pain from heartbreak, pain from work, pain from yourself… chronic
pain. What does pain mean and how many categories are there?
“Pain is a complex and multifaceted experience, encompassing physical,
emotional, and psychological dimensions” (IASP, 2020) This alone tells you that
there are many different kinds of pain and that pain is not linear. A skill I think
everyone should have in their life tool box to be more understanding.
Though someone else's pain or struggles may look different than yours, it’s okay and
this is something that should be embraced, something that should be open heartedly
understood without negative judgment to follow. If more awareness was brought
into wordly acceptance and understanding one another with positive constructive
criticism, I think more people would realize the hidden message in this funny thing
we call life.
We are all people, we all go through pain and suffering. Our differences
should be celebrated and not held against us. We need to understand that if all our
pain was brought together, accepted and understood, a difference in the way we live
life could take place.